Newegg Homepage Redesign 2021
Shortly after Newegg IPO’d in 2021, the website went through a redesign to make the UI more modern compared to other e-commerce platforms.
Version 1
Removing clutter
My first iteration of the design removed the side navigation that had been part of the website UI since it’s beginning. I also decided to simplify the amount of banners showing up on the page to only have one banner be the focus of the top. I also wanted to create a dedicated space to feature other Newegg brand content than only existed in social platforms in order to bring a connection between and it’s social content.
Version 2
A Cleaner Look
Version 2 of the homepage was created by the UI/UX team using my design as the basis for the redesign. Certain design choices were simplified to make changes to the underlying UI as minimal as possible to prevent repeated work.
Redesign Complete
Meet the new site same as the old site.
Despite removing the side navigation, the choice was overruled by upper management so months of work had to be redone. The argument was sound, having all the menu items on homepage load makes it easier for people to see categories of items they can buy. The hamburger menu directly above it features the exact same menu as a bit of redundancy. The site continues to go through all kinds of usability testing and is actively improved to provide customers the best experience.